Watch List Weekly Recap 9/2/22
A classic-movie birthday boy gets his due and a round-up of the last films of summer before the fall serious season begins.

This is the Friday recap of Ty Burr’s Watch List postings for the week. If you’d like to receive this weekly email ONLY, please go to your account page and under “Email notifications” uncheck every box except “Weekly Digest.” If you’d prefer to not receive it at all, uncheck just “Weekly Digest.”

You may only know Fred MacMurray as the befuddled dad on “My Three Sons,” but there was a lot more to the man — more than “Double Indemnity,” even. It’s his 114th birthday this week, so maybe it’s good he’s not around to see it.

I’m gearing up for the Toronto International Film Festival next week — how many of the 260 feature films on tap can I see in six days? — but before then, some reviews of new movies in theaters (like “Honk For Jesus, Save Your Soul”) and on demand (like “Blind Ambition,” a documentary about a team of Zimbabwean competitive wine tasters).
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