Watch List Weekly Recap 8/5/22
A heads-up for a frisky Spanish comedy starring Penélope Cruz and Antonio Banderas, plus a roundup of new films in theaters and on demand.

This is the Friday recap of Ty Burr’s Watch List postings for the week. If you’d like to receive this weekly email ONLY, please go to your account page and under “Email notifications” uncheck every box except “Weekly Digest.” If you’d prefer to not receive it at all, uncheck just “Weekly Digest.”

“Official Competition” is proof that not every movie coming out of Spain is directed by Pedro Almódovar — but may possibly star Penélope Cruz. Newly available on demand, it’s a frisky, chatty farce about pompous filmmakers and preening actors. Antonio Banderas has great fun playing what’s essentially a dumber version of himself.

For Friday, a groaning board of new releases in theaters and on demand, including Brad Pitt action extravaganza “Bullet Train,” Gen-Z murder comedy “Bodies Bodies Bodies,” Ron Howard’s engrossing dramatization of the Thai cave rescue “Thirteen Lives” (above), and “I Love My Dad,” a Patton Oswalt father-son farce to make you simultaneously laugh and cringe. Try not to hurt yourself.
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