Watch List Weekly Recap 4/29/22

Life after Netflix, a guide to streaming services, and three new movies for the weekend.

Watch List Weekly Recap 4/29/22

This is the Friday recap of Ty Burr’s Watch List postings for the week. If you’d like to receive this weekly email ONLY, please go to your account page and under “Email notifications” uncheck every box except “Weekly Digest.” If you’d prefer to not receive it at all, uncheck just “Weekly Digest.”

Just two posts this week. On Tuesday I mulled over the fate of Netflix in the wake of last week’s subscriber/stock tumble, asked you to ask yourself whether you really need the service, and provided an overview of the major streaming platforms available to consumers. Hopefully this will make things clearer or at the very least remind you about the VOD services you’ve forgotten you subscribe to.

Netflix and Spill
Is it time to leave Netflix? It shouldn’t be this hard to break up with a streaming service. Because it was one of the first on the block and because it has been so ambitious in its programming, Netflix has become a generic trademark, like Kleenex and ChapStick and Band-Aids. Every time I publish a list of recommended movies available on demand, people w…

The Friday What to Watch pointed you to the HBO/HBO Max premiere of “The Survivor,” a true story in which Ben Foster gives an electrifying performance as a boxer carrying a heavy load of Holocaust guilt. Plus, two new movies in theaters: The putatively charming “Anaïs in Love” (above) and the actually charming “The Duke.”

What to Watch This Weekend: "The Survivor"
The Nut Graf: “The Survivor” (on HBO and HBO Max, *** stars out of ****) is a harrowing and complex story of life after the Holocaust, with a soul-searching performance by Ben Foster. A Parisian gamine wears out her welcome in “Anaïs in Love” (in theaters, ** stars out of ****).

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