Watch List Weekly Recap 2/18/22

Romcom podcasts, high-tech thrillers, and a sweet little movie you should know about.

Watch List Weekly Recap 2/18/22

This is the Friday recap of Ty Burr’s Watch List postings for the week. If you’d like to receive this weekly email ONLY, please go to your account page and under “Email notifications” uncheck every box except “Weekly Digest.” If you’d prefer to not receive it at all, uncheck just “Weekly Digest.”

Introducing Ty Burr’s Watchcast: The first in a series of podcast conversations on movies and more. In the Valentine’s Day-themed premiere episode, my friend and former Boston Globe colleague, “Love Letters” columnist Meredith Goldstein, talks with me about what makes a good romantic comedy — and what can sometimes make a bad one so good. (Pictured: “Maid in Manhattan”)

Isn't It Romantic: A Valentine's Day Podcast
Listen now (38 min) | I’ve been wanting to try a podcast since starting the Watch List last summer, as a way to converse with knowledgeable friends and colleagues about films, TV, and other matters pop cultural. Meredith Goldstein was an obvious choice to kick things off: For two decades now, the Boston Globe

”Kimi,” on HBO Max, prompted a mid-week meditation on the prolific, under-appreciated career of Steven Soderbergh, who’s made 33 feature films in 33 years — most of them pretty damn good. (Pictured: Zoë Kravitz)

Gimme "Kimi"
The Nut Graf: The latest made-for-streaming mousetrap from director Steven Soderbergh, “Kimi” (on HBO Max, ***1/2 out of ****) prompts an appreciation for one of the most underrated filmmakers currently working (and working).

There are new movies to write about (and I have brief reviews of two theatrical releases: “Dog” and “Strawberry Mansion”), but I’d rather tell you about a charming sleeper from two years back: “Driveways,” a fitting farewell to the late Brian Dennehy (below, with Lucas Jaye).

Local Heroes
The Nut Graf: It’s New Release Friday, but I feel like sharing a two-year-old gem: “Driveways” (2020, available for rent on multiple platforms, ***1/2 stars out of ****), with its fine farewell performance by Brian Dennehy. Dog lovers are directed (with reservations) to

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