Hello, Ghost

The Watch List relocates from one site to another, but it's still a handy tip sheet for movie lovers and culture vultures.

Hello, Ghost

Dear Watch List readers –

When last you heard from me (which was, uh, Tuesday), this newsletter was being hosted on the Substack platform. As of today, it is being hosted on Ghost. Aside from minor design issues, you should not be noticing a difference. You'll still receive the latest newsletters by email, but the address for the home page, where all the archived posts live, is now www.tyburrswatchlist.com. (You can also get to it at ty-burrs-watch-list.ghost.io and www.tyburr.com, but why confuse things?) I’m still adjusting and tweaking behind the scenes – fixing links in old posts, etc. – so I beg your patience until everything is working as smoothly as before. There are things Ghost doesn’t do as well as Substack. There are other things it does quite a bit better. (No neo-Nazis, for one thing.)

Housecleaning details: Paid subscriber comments on past articles did not make the transition, but you can provide fresh comments on posts old and new. If you’re one of the many Watch List subscribers who elected to receive only the Weekend Digest emails on Substack, you’ll have to sign up for them again on Ghost – sorry about that. To do so, hit the red "Account" button on the top right of the home page, select "manage" under "Email preferences," and untoggle the regular "Watch List" newsletter option, leaving the “Weekly Digest” option toggled on. You can also opt in there for the (very) occasional Zen Journal entry.

Your subscription and payment information has carried over from the old to the new site. If you catch anything amiss – you’re not receiving the newsletters, or you’ve noticed artifacts from the old site that need to be addressed – please let me know! Leave a comment below or drop me a line at ty@tyburrswatchlist.com. And, as before, please feel free to share Ty Burr’s Watch List with friends and fellow film lovers. I'll add a "Share This Post" button as soon as I figure out how to do that.

I look forward to sharing the next stage of this journey with you.