Eight Good Movies on Prime (and 1 Stinker)

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. It’s a sunny day with a fresh three inches of snow here in Boston and a good time to count one’s blessings and plot out ways to make this a better country for everyone in it in the weeks, months, and years ahead. It’s just nice there’s nothing else of any importance happening today.
This is going to be a quickie, as I’m packing my bags for Sundance and heading out early Wednesday morning; I’ll post a rundown of the films I’m most looking forward to while I’m waiting at the airport. For now, a few excellent new films arriving for on-demand rental and eight random (but good!) movies from the past two decades that have just rolled onto Amazon Prime Video. Plus one to avoid – or to dig into if you're a card-carrying aficionado of Le Bad Cinema.
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